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You and your children may have been Exposed to High Levels of Lead if you worked or lived near the Gopher Resource facility in Tampa, FL.

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For years, Gopher exposed its workers to levels of lead that were hundreds of times higher than the federal limit, sometimes reaching levels that were considered life-threatening. Exposure to lead is not just dangerous to those with firsthand exposure, but also to the people they live with.  

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It’s not just Gopher’s plant workers who are at risk

Due to the high concentrations of lead dust at the Gopher plant, workers brought the dust home with them on their cars, shoes, and cell phones. At least 13 workers found their children had elevated blood-lead levels.  

When children are exposed to even a small amount of lead, it can affect their development and behavior in various ways. It might cause:


Brain Damage

Developmental Delay

Hearing Loss

Learning Disabilities

Lowered IQ

Other Serious Injuries

How did this happen?

Gopher Resource is one of a handful of companies nationwide that extracts lead from old car batteries, then melts it down for resale. A recent Tampa Bay Times article reported that the company exposed workers and residents in the surrounding area to toxic levels of lead. The article goes on to state that Gopher knew that its factory produced too much lead debris, yet continued to risk the well-being of its workers:

The highest air-reading of lead inside the Tampa factory was 78,729 micrograms per cubic meter, 1,500 times the federal limit

The amount of lead in the air surpassed the capacity of the respirators that most workers were issued 16% of the time

The company disabled ventilation features designed to capture fumes

They moved slowly to repair broken mechanical systems

Not only did Gopher knowingly expose workers to lead, but a company-hired doctor wouldn’t reveal to workers that their blood-lead levels put them in danger, and routinely overlooked other worrisome lab-results. 

Additionally, Gopher gave bonuses to employees if they could keep their blood-lead levels down--and punished those who couldn’t. In some instances, workers underwent dangerous medical procedures to secure these bonuses

What does lead do to the human body?

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) considers a blood-lead above five micrograms per deciliter (μg/dL) to be elevated and concerning. The risk of all sorts of health effects increases as blood-lead levels rise:

Altered memory

Decreased dexterity

Decreased kidney function


Emotional instability


Hearing loss

Impaired balance


Increased risk of hypertension

Increased risk of heart disease

Kidney damage

Numbness or pain

Stomach pain

Where was the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)?

Though the federal agency may not have been directly responsible Gopher’s egregious plant conditions, they should have done more to prevent or fix the problem.  

OSHA’s designated blood-level lead limit of (60 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood) is out of touch with modern science

OSHA has not inspected the Gopher facility in Tampa since 2014 and missed significant issues in their last visit.  

Even when top regional safety officials increased inspections of lead-related businesses in the Southeast, no one visited Gopher-- Florida’s only lead smelter

Attorney Ben Crump is taking up the fight against Gopher

Despite being below the OSHA limit, 8 out of 10 workers at Gopher’s Tampa facility averaged levels that increased blood pressure, kidney injury or cardiovascular disease.

You May be Entitled to Significant Compensation

Gopher Resources operated the Tampa plant with shocking negligence for their employee’s well-being. They must be held accountable for their actions.

The law firms of Ben Crump, Napoli Shkolnik, Vanguard Attorneys, Swope Rodante P.A. are working together to fight for those without a voice against powerful corporations like Gopher. Each of these firms has an outstanding track record of getting justice for those who have been harmed. And they will work hard to get you the compensation you deserve.  

Attorney Ben Crump consoling the loved one of a Gopher victim

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